Growing Old, Gracefully.
Stories that help you find peace, hope, and happiness.
Don’s Most Recent
What comes after
A quote from The Economist supported a strong belief of mine: “What comes after is not always progress.” Maybe I’m just getting cranky in my later years, but here are but a few examples of my love for the good old days. I enjoyed hand-cranking my car windows more than …
Lonely old goat
Please let me know if you experience any of these signs of aging. Don’t let me be the lonely old goat in the meadow. I make up reasons why I entered my closet. I notice a shiny nickel on the blacktop in the parking lot and choose not to bend all the way down to …
Jukebox in my head
An important portion of my brain has been replaced by a jukebox. Here’s my problem. In the last few months, with no advance warning, songs from my past flip on in my head. I’ll be driving down Carson Street and, without warning, I’m humming “Wake Up Little Susie,” a terrible …
Vacation time
Dear friends, A surprising number of you reached out last week, wondering what happened to my Tuesday blog post and if I was doing okay. I appreciate the concern. I’m doing great and just decided to take a little vacation from Aging with Don Kuhl, planning to return March …
Coated messages
I continue to learn lessons from my dogs. Why? They are kind and forgiving. They recognize I am a special-needs student who can’t roll over. Plus, my dogs have much to offer in their HCCC (Human Corrections Course Catalog). Jack Carter Newsom, a young, bright professor dog …