We all have one thing in common. We age each day. At 73, I’m becoming my own expert on the subject of aging. If you invest one minute of your time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, I’ll share some of the blunders I’ve made along the way and my personal observations about aging. And, I’d love to hear back from you. Together, we may get wiser on how to work and play with our remaining time while keeping smiles on our faces.
At Denver International Airport I spotted a baby looking around as if he lost something important. He quietly burped and may have released a short burst of gas. It made his whole face smile, as if he had pulled a fast one on unsuspecting travelers. The baby stared across at the Cinnabon store. I could tell he was interested in sweet exploration, but his legs were not up to independent travel. He settled back and softly closed his eyes. The baby looked content and satisfied. I guessed he was imagining all the adventures he had in store.
At Denver International Airport I spotted an old man looking around as if he had lost something important. He quietly burped and may have released a short burst of gas. It made his whole face smile, as if he had pulled a fast one on unsuspecting travelers. The old man stared across at the Cinnabon store. I could tell he was interested in sweet exploration, but his legs were not up to independent travel. He settled back and softly closed his eyes. The old man looked content and satisfied. I guessed he was remembering all the adventures he had experienced.