I hate it when I write like I’m giving sage advice about aging.
Yet, for today, I can’t help it. Another friend has retired without thinking through the consequences of leaving a career before figuring out what comes next.
Based on a sample size of around 20, here are the biggest blunders I’ve observed:
1. “I’ll play golf.”
With a few spectacular exceptions, golf is not a full-time endeavor. Weekend golfers turn out to be, at best, weekend golfers. More golf gets old in a hurry.
2. “I’ll spend more time with my spouse and grandkids.”
I recommend you check that your spouse and grandkids want to spend more time with you before you turn in your retirement papers.
3. “I’ll write a book.” My less ambitious friends say, “I’ll read a book.”
Most of my friends use books to decorate their bookshelves. People need a real passion to write a book, and it doesn’t come from “I don’t have anything else to do.”
So regardless of the joyous photos of retirement that AARP puts in its magazine, retirement is a huge life change. It can be great but only if you plan wisely.