“We’re all old people in training.”
– Joanne Lynn, MD
My hunch is, most people don’t think about the ramifications of getting to be an older person until reality smacks them in the face. I still don’t think I’m an old guy – but age is creeping up on me. And sometimes, I get a frank message that I’m not a kid anymore.
Here are a few smacks of reality I received in the last few days:
I was talking to my creative staff at work and mentioned I had a crush on Doris Day when I was growing up. All of my colleagues looked at me. Not one of them had heard of Doris Day or the movie “Pillow Talk.”
I couldn’t find the old pair of glasses I use to find my good pair of glasses.
I stayed up late to hear the 9 o’clock local news.
Most of all, I spend minutes alone thinking how first-rate my parents were as they aged with grace, and I have this growing desire to follow their humble examples.