If you are in the mood to dig deep into your life and figure out what has guided you so far – and explore where you may choose to go – I have a recommendation: Buy a copy of At a Journal Workshop by Ira Progoff.
Ira, a student of Carl Jung’s, changed my life over 30 years ago. I went to his weekend workshop and purchased his book, which is based on the workshop. Later, I had several opportunities to engage with him. With wisdom and kindness, Ira encouraged me to tap into my creative being – and showed me how to do it in a thorough and courageous manner.
This exploration isn’t for everyone. It takes time and work. The beauty of Progoff’s structure is, once you have established your life’s “Steppingstones,” “Dream Log” and “Meditation Log,” you are equipped to take on anything that comes your way.
This structured journaling approach may have saved my life. I’m certain it unlocked my creative ability. It put greater meaning to my life.
I’m a better person because of Ira Progoff.