I’m 100 days out from my major back surgery. I continue to participate in post-op meetings with the surgeon and her team. They tell me what I can’t do. They continue to tell me to wear this terrible back brace. They have an acronym, BLT (as in one of my favorite sandwiches), to educate me on movements that may be dangerous. I’m forbidden to Bend. I’m forbidden to Lift. I’m forbidden to Twist. Good luck with all of that.
This got me thinking about advice I receive as I age from other wisdom figures. Why do I follow some of the rules and recommendations and ignore others?
I know I should floss my teeth daily. I don’t
I know I should listen and follow Sherry’s recommendations. I do. Almost always.
I know I should obey the speed limit on the county road leading to my office. I don’t
I know I should reduce my consumption of ice cream and chocolate. I try.
I could go on and on. I’m interested in the rule or recommendation you know you should follow…
…but you don’t.