In Don Miguel Ruiz’s fine book titled “The Four Agreements,” his second agreement is: “Don’t take anything personally.”
Boy, my life would have been less frustrating and complicated if I had followed this agreement early on.
I think of all the times a friend, or even a stranger, gave me a little insight on my behavior or intentions. The words would stick in my head like Skippy peanut butter on soft bread. I’d take it personally every time. How silly of me.
Now I recognize the other person was occasionally using me as a depository for their own problems or issues. It’s always easier to stick the tail on the donkey (me) than pricking one’s own backside.
I fear I’m the guilty party most of the time. So if I saddle up to you and say you aren’t being totally honest or that you’re acting in a selfish manner, just give me a friendly hug because you will know I’m having a pretty crappy day.