After writing over 400 blog posts on aging, I thought it was time for me to explore why I write a blog in the first place. It often takes me time and is accompanied by some angst. Other bloggers may be naturals. I am not. It’s not that the ideas do not flow. My head is stuffed with all kinds of weird ideas and memories bursting to be written.
However, I have some rules to follow:
1. I want them to be well written. With carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands, my fingers stray from their original intent. Let’s just say I wouldn’t pass Mrs. Tuttle’s high school typing class. In addition, after 75 years, I’m still not perfect on grammar and such. I still wonder whether I should lay or lie down. Thanks to Google (and an amazing editor named Jenni), I get it right most of the time.
2. I want each blog to be interesting and informative. I’m not much of an expert on anything. Yet, I read a bunch and I surround myself with smart people. The ideas for most of my “outstanding” blogs were swiped from others. I’m okay with that. It’s what smart people do.
3. I want my blog to be honest and reflect true stories of my life. It’s not that my life has been so special. I believe we all have worthy stories to share.
4. Last of all, I want my blog to make you think – and hopefully, at times, to make you smile.
I appreciate every note I get back from you. It keeps me going and not just (laying or lying) down for a nap.
Thanks for your support and encouragement.