Calhoun is my daughter, a psychologist and one of my closest friends. She
recently suggested I may be too self-deprecating in my blog. She says she sees
her dad as more capable and wise than I let on.
In a weak moment, I promised her I’d do one Aging blog that covers all my
positive attributes. Here goes:
- I’m empathetic. I can’t help but put myself in the shoes of people around me. If they experience pain, embarrassment or a sense of loss, I feel it too. It’s immediate and real.
- I’m blessed with an abundance of optimistic energy. I’m more at ease doing than thinking. I always believe the best outcomes are right around the corner.
- My self-talk sparkles. I fully enjoy the creative conversations I have with myself.
- I am a good friend.
- I’m aging spectacularly.
Kate, I hope this list makes you feel more genetically grounded.
I missed one!
I’m a loving dad.