Who would have thunk? Certainly not me.
Yet, this celebrates the 1,000th blog post I have written over the last decade. You have been so kind and supportive. Your email responses have encouraged me to keep writing. Much of your feedback has made me a brighter and better person along the way.
Often I am asked what I think has made my blogs popular.
My guess is it’s five rules I try to follow:
1. Keep them brief. Use as few words as possible.
2. Trust the power of storytelling. It beats preaching every time.
3. Be truthful. Don’t make up stuff (a drop or two of poetic license is fair).
4. Have a worthy message to share. Sneak it in with a bit of humor.
5. Have a great support team (thanks, Jenni, Holly, Valerie, Scott, Johanna, Christine and Jennifer for making me look good).
I’m on to my second thousand. Please join me.