Every month I receive a financial statement on the fiscal health of The Change Companies®. The report shows our assets, liabilities, income and expenses. A few pages in, I have a pretty good idea what kind of month we had. What’s great is, right next to the monthly numbers, I see where The Change Companies® was during the same time last year.
I started thinking about how helpful it would be to have a similar report on how I was doing personally each month. I could review my assets and gains, like new friends I cultivated, new adventures I uncovered, books I read and so on. On the other side of my statement, I could study my expenses. Did I fall back in some way? Did I lose a buddy? Did I shy away from helping someone in need? Did I waste an opportunity?
Just like my financial statement, my evaluation could include how I’m doing this month compared to a year ago. Am I more personally and emotionally prosperous?
Now, where can I find a personal accountant who will give me an accurate statement?