The BIG question: Why do I love unconditionally all 19 of my current and former dogs, who constantly display major personality flaws and behavior lapses, while I hold close friends and family members accountable for minor relational hiccups?
About the dogs:
I got Sarge when he was old and almost blind. He’d get stuck in the rose bushes until I turned him around, facing home.
Sammy Watt What is a bit of a loner. He separates from the pack as if he feels a bit superior.
Jack Newsom never stops barking. What more does he have to say?
Jody Beth Beckett is the lover dog. She runs ahead, gets in my way and flops on her back for a belly rub. I trip over her.
Wyatt Blue is the tough guy from the wrong side of the tracks. Intruders beware.
Ponce-de-Leon wasn’t the brightest of the bunch. He attempted to climb a backstop fence rather than going around it. It took a ladder to get him down.
Larry Redbone was the jock of the pack. He should have been on a Wheaties box and he knew it.
I could go on and on.
So how can I love my dogs so unconditionally and have issues and negative feelings about wonderful human beings?
The BIG answer: I don’t have one.
Help me.