This one may not make it through my editor, Jenni. I think she’s always cheery and uplifting and expects me to be the same.
But yesterday was one of those funky days until the very end.
It started when I had a tough time getting my socks on. All of a sudden, my legs were too long or my arms too short. The metal in my back only allows me to bend in certain ways. I had just bought the socks, a pretty ocean-blue color with humpback whales leaping up around the ankles. My old pairs have more stretch. My little hammer toes were of no help either.
Things got worse. The sprinkler decided to turn on just as I was picking up acorns in the backyard. I changed my clothes but kept my wet socks.
I went to have my Tuesday lunch date with Tony, a friend who always perks me up. I thought he was running late — really late. Then Nicole, while heating up my coffee, let me know it was Monday.
I won’t go on and on and on.
My day did have a happy ending (take this into account, Jenni). Late last night (9 p.m.), Sherry gave me the best and longest hug right after she slaughtered me in shuffleboard.
How can a man be so lucky?