I’m back.
And boy, does it feel good. It’s been 42 days since I was rushed to the hospital for a 5-hour emergency surgery. It was not fun. The days that followed in the hospital were not fun. The first couple weeks recuperating at home were not fun.
Then the magic began to happen. My pain levels dropped significantly. I could sit outside in the sun surrounded by my four Swiss shepherds. Sleep returned in 2-hour increments. My kids flew in to spend time with their father. Laughter returned.
No matter how difficult a period of time might be, a new perspective arrives when you get to the other side. You can look back and ask yourself, “What did I gain from that challenging experience?”
For me, I have a greater appreciation for being given the opportunity to hang around and continue to age. A warm glow deep inside informs me how much I am loved by others and how I have the natural capacity to love so many family, friends and colleagues.
And as an old song resonates in my soul, “Who could ask for anything more?”