Please let me know if you experience any of these signs of aging. Don’t let me be the lonely old goat in the meadow.
I make up reasons why I entered my closet.
I notice a shiny nickel on the blacktop in the parking lot and choose not to bend all the way down to pick it up.
I take a break after putting on my socks. Just a brief one.
I discover my wallet while searching for my glasses to find my wallet.
I box up half of my meatloaf sandwich at lunch and put it in the refrigerator. I throw it out three days later.
I wisely make a list of what I need at the grocery store. While in the fresh fruit section, I remember my list is on the kitchen table. I immediately rush to the ice cream aisle.
Okay, I lied on the second one. I still even bend down for pennies. I have the shiny nickel in my pocket.