I keep happy memories of my youth close to me.
Here are three of my favorites:
1. Diving into a pile of raked leaves in my backyard on Halloween when I was seven. I disappeared into the oak and aspen heap and my brother and sisters couldn’t find me. Really cool.
2. My red-headed boss, Marvin, counting out eight one-dollar bills and putting them in my hands for a week’s payment for picking up golf balls at the Ames Driving Range. It was my first and best best “paycheck” ever.
3. My big sister Kelly fixing grilled cheese sandwiches and pots of Campbell’s tomato soup and splitting them with me. She must have loved me a bunch.
As I age deep into my 70s, a big question is what matches the joy I received as a kid in these senior years.
This can be a great game. I’ll tell you my three if you tell me yours.