The older I get, the more set in my ways I become.
For years now, when I wake up in the morning, I immediately make myself a cup of coffee using the same chipped, chocolate-colored cup. I go to the same couch, which faces out to the backyard. I watch my four white shepherds chase each other in the early morning darkness. It’s the same show every day.
I just sit there and watch them. I’d like to say I’m meditating or having great thoughts or planning out my day’s schedule, but that would be untruthful. I’m just sipping my coffee, watching my dogs. Nothing great is happening.
Sherry, on the other hand, awakes hours before I do, usually around 3:30 a.m. She hops out of bed and immediately begins completing chores she has written down the night before. The kitchen floor may be scrubbed, the laundry done, the vegetable soup prepared.
We are both set in our ways.
Her arduous behavior does not deter me from my morning ritual.
Nor does she choose to join me for my indolent morning coffee.
I figure, we’re both set in our ways. And that’s okay by me.