I continue to learn from four of my best pals – my white Swiss shepherds.
Today’s lesson: Make sure you let family and friends know how happy you are to see them. I’m not good at this yet, but I have outstanding tutors.
Nigel, Sammy, Jody Beth and Zeke have this talent down to a real science. No matter how many times a day I enter their space, they make it appear as if I’m their long-lost best buddy. Tails wag, eyes focus on my eyes – they’re dog-smiling. Jody jumps up and gives my face a lick. Nigel offers me his favorite red ball. Sammy, the jokester, belts out a happy song and Zeke maneuvers between my legs to keep me from going anywhere.
From now on, my close friends and family can count on getting my full appreciation. It won’t be quite the same as my four poorly trained (thank goodness) shepherds. I’ll use more human signs of love.
As we age and many of our loved ones are scattered around the globe, we never know when one particular interchange may be our last. Let’s make each one stupendous.
And I promise I won’t give any face licks.